Official Family Blog Founded on Peanut Butter

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Um, Poo-Poo and Pee-Pee Please

What happened? Did your animals learn how to properly deficate and urinate? Please post these pics ASAP.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Recent Photos of Broseph


cute photo of froggy jean. oh and stardust pooped on the floor again today. i think she thinks i am going to leave her because we are packing and getting ready to move this week. i mean... yeah, i would poop on the floor too.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

And you thought YOU felt bad this morning...

This is Auggie's toy, Froggie. Aunt Liz bought it for him, brand new, last week. Just look at him now! Froggie is always teasing Auggie with his squeeky noise and as a result, Froggie only has one eye and is missing most of his stuffing.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


why i am always late.
why i am always late for work.

i got two litter boxes and stardust likes to poop in one of them. YAY!

Saturday, February 10, 2007


I re-posted on I think?
No pics of Auggie's messes, but I love you all anyway.
Will someone please post something, before I die of boredom?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Thursday Blues

Auggie pooped in the house again this afternoon...but I didn't have my camera handy with batteries inside, and I was not willing to let the poop sit on the floor until the camera was ready. Sorry to let you all down. I can't wait to see Stardust's poop, however, and I am eagerly awaiting a picture from Uncle Joe 3.
Until then, I have my camera ready-to-go now. Peace, y'all.

When is it going to not be FREEZING in NY? This could be why Auggie can't poop outside...?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Poo-Poo and Pee-Pee Pictures Please

Joe - Jean,

I would love to see pictures of Auggie's and Stardust's defecation and urination

Please post ASAP.



Did you see this? It's about some french broad who uses photo booths. Thought Joey might own it - being he's a photo booth freak.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Auggie Doggie

Auggie is a cool name, training, yea that could be a bitch.

I had Sammy trained in a couple of months. It's always easier to clean up your own dogs accidents.

The trick is the crate training. Keep him in the crate - when you take him out, pick him up, and put him in the spot outside where he does his business. Don't look at him, don't play with him. Let him sniff around and do his thing. Once he goes, give him praise and bring him right back inside. After some playing inside, put him back in the crate. Repeat several times throughout the day. If he thinks hes going outside to play, he will get distracted from the true purpose of being outside. Good luck, hope this helps.

As for Elizabeth and Louie, they are still working on it. Louie is still on the wee-wee pads. IMHO that is a wee bit too long.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Alpha male...?

The men I live with are struggling for "alpha male" title. In this picture, it looks like the winner is...Auggie! Hey, size isn't everything.

Lord help me. After I took this picture, I poured myself a glass of wine and went straight for the latest edition of the Oprah magazine. At least Pat pees in the toilet bowl.

Auggie pics

Auggie Doggie!

This one is for you, Frankie!!! Pat and I are attempting to train this pooch. He is very good, but we can't get him to pee outside. I give Frank and Liz much credit for dealing with this awkward time for dogs. I am surprised at my tolerance for "accidents" in the house. It's just that he is SO LOVABLE!

I will post more pics shortly. My camera and computer skills seem to need some training, too.